Trusted Health Overview
Trusted Health is a platform that helps travel nurses find jobs around the country. Since March 2020, I've worked on the nurse-facing Marketplace experience. Working closely with a product manager and an engineering team, I design features across mobile and desktop that empower nurses to find the right travel job for them. We make it as easy as possible for nurses to create a profile, set up their job preferences, browse potential matches, and apply for jobs.
The Trusted Marketplace is a place for nurses to find jobs and advance their careers. It provides tools for nurses to keep track of their credentials, build a resume, research salaries around the country, and find jobs that match their preferences and skillsets.
The main components of the Marketplace experience are:
  • Dashboard
  • Matches
  • Profile
  • Credentials
  • Explorer

The Dashboard is the first page the nurses lands on after logging in. Its purpose is to let users know what they have to do at the given point in their journey, whether they are a brand new graduate with no experience, an active travel nurse looking for jobs, or a seasoned veteran looking to renew their credentials for their next assignment.
Nurses use this page to:
  • Complete action items
  • Contact support
  • Access career tools
  • Read nursing resources
The Matches experience is the main draw for nurses signing up for the product. After filling out preferences like location, shift type, and specialty, users are able to browse curated job opportunities that match their parameters. These matches are separated into categories like Top Matches, Highest Pay, and Popular Cities.

When browsing matches, users can view important information about the job like pay rate, schedule, unit details, and job requirements. Users can take three actions on each match: Pass, Favorite, or Apply.
The Profile page allows users to input their work history, qualifications, credentials, and other work information in order to submit to hiring managers when applying for matches.
Even if users are applying for jobs outside of Trusted, this page allows nurses to conveniently generate a clean, organized resume PDF with just one click.
The Credentials page enables users to keep track of a variety of licenses, certifications, and continuing education units.
Explorer allows nurses to browse cities around the country to find salary data, costs of living, transportation options, and lists of hospitals.
Design System
As part of a small design team, I worked on developing and maintaining the Trusted design system. Every element of the UI, including buttons, inputs, colors, and typography, was cataloged to ensure consistency across the product.
Shipped Products
  • New Graduate experience
  • Salary Explorer
  • Credential Tracker
  • Revised header: Improved access to Favorites and Profile
  • Resume builder
  • Facility reviews